jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Ya tenemos a nuestra "Assistant"

Good morning,

Hace ya unos días que llegó al cole nuestra "assisstant". Es una chica americana y la verdad que los niños estan muy contentos con ella, aunque dicen que habla un poco "raro". Estoy seguro que van a aprender mucho con ella. ¡Ah! Por cierto, se llama Becky.

A note from Becky-

Hello everyone! I´m the bilingual assistant at Concepción Arenal. Let me tell you a bit about myself:
I´m from Vermont, which is one of the states in the United States (USA). I worked last year (08-09) as a bilingual assistant in a secondary school in Andalucía, so I´m not new to Spain but this is my first time living in Madrid. I am in Spain because I enjoy speaking Spanish in my everyday life.
Speaking of everyday life, the children in the bilingual program have been practicing English every day. Sometimes I am surprised at how much they really know and understand!
Well, I´ll keep you updated.
Becky N.

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